In your long life, you might think “Can I live like this all my life?” or “I want to change something. I can try something new.” Even if you know what you want, most of you hesitate to take action. Here is what you might want to know when you have that kind of troubles.

Quotation from “The first step is to start” an essay written by Jason Zimdars.
You don’t need learn anything new in order to begin.
Ones who want to start something new but have no experiences often ask professionals questions like, “What do I need to learn to be able to create something like yours?” Well, here’s the answer.
To tell the truth, you don’t need learn anything new to begin. The most important thing is simply to start.
Start making something. If you want to learn web design, make a web site. Want to be an entrepreneur and start a business selling web based products? Make an app.
To start something new, we often try to get ready for everything before we actually start. It is because we want to avoid making mistakes, or because we are afraid of something that might happen after you started.
It seems to be a good idea, but there is one big mistake. It takes forever. It’s funny but you can often see that climbers are getting ready for climbing in base of the mountain.
Life time is limited. It’s not like something eternal. It is limited.
If you want to achieve to the top, you should start climbing and try to go to the first station of the mountain. You will realize that you are not ready, then you can come back to the base.
It won’t be nothing. It’s something worthy. It’s called adaptation to high altitude.
Adaptation to high altitude is to train yourself to be able to be in high altitude place without getting altitude sickness.
For example, if I take you to the top of Mt. Everest, none of you can be there without feeling sickness.
But, as many climbers do, if you keep climbing and coming back within a certain distance of the mountain and make it little longer and higher, you will be able to achieve to be on top of the mountain.
Start with what you already know.
When you start something new, don’t learn anything new. Just start with what you already have or know.
It’s the easiest way to start. It doesn’t matter what kind of things you are going to start.
If you want to build something on the web, don’t worry about learning HTML, CSS, Ruby, PHP, SQL, etc. They might be necessary for a finished product, but you don’t need any of them to start.
Why not mock-up your app idea in Keynote or Powerpoint? Draw boxes for form fields, write copy, link this page to that page. You can make a pretty robust interactive prototype right there with software you already know.
Not computer saavy? Start with pencil and paper or post-it Notes. Draw the screens, tape them to the wall, and see how it flows. You can do a lot of the work with simple sketches or slides.
Go as far as you can with what you have, then think about what you need to go farther.
The mock-up or prototype is not perfect. Of course it’s not because it’s only a prototype. But, you will be able to objectively recognize of its imperfection. Not as uncertain image that you have in your mind.
You’ll be able to see your idea take form and begin to evaluate whether or not it really is something special.
It’s at that point you can take the next step.
You might be learning enough HTML to take your prototype into the browser. The point is, go as far as you can with the skills and tools that you have.
The reasons why you don’t start after you hear all these.
Many times the reasons why you don’t start something have nothing to do with lack of skills, materials, or facilities. The real blockers are self-criticism and excuses.
In the excellent book, “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain,” the author, Betty Edwards, discusses how we all draw as kids but around adolescence, many of us stop developing that ability.
“The beginning of adolescence seems to mark the abrupt end of drawing skills for many adults. As children, they confronted an artistic crisis, a conflict between their increasingly complex perceptions of the world around them and their current level of art skill.”
At that age, kids become increasingly self-critical and equally interested in drawing realistically. When they fail to draw as well as they know is possible, many give up drawing at all.
This feeling continues into adulthood. We want to design a website or build an application but if our own toolset doesn’t match up to the perceived skillset we never start.
It doesn’t help that the internet gives us nearly limitless exposure to amazing work, talented individuals, and excellent execution. Its’s easy to feel inadequate when you compare yourself to the very best, but even they weren’t born with those skills and they wouldn’t have them if they never started.
The great painter Vincent Van Gogh
People who succeed somehow find a way to keep working despite the self-doubt.。
The artist, Vincent Van Gogh was only an artist for the last ten years of his life.
We all know him for masterful works of art, but he didn’t start out as a master. Compare these examples from “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain” showing an early drawing compared to one completed two years later.

He wasn’t some child prodigy (he was 27 when he started painting), he learned his craft by hard work. If he’d listened to his own self doubt or despaired that his skills didn’t compare to Paul Gauguin’s it’s likely he never would have even tried.
This is all to say that there are many things we should be creating. To never follow a dream because you don’t think you are good enough or don’t have the skills, or knowledge, or experience is a waste.
In fact, these projects where there is doubt are the ones to pursue. They offer the greatest challenge and the greatest rewards.
The first step is to start.
The most important thing to take a first step is not to have skills, experiences, money, or friends.
They are nothing to care about.
Even if you have enough money, skills, experiences, or friends, many of you are not starting anything. They are great if you have a lot, but not necessary to start at all.
If you want to do something, just start doing it. Your willingness is the most important thing. You may get other things you need from others, but not your willingness. Nobody can give you your willingness.
If you really want to achieve your idea, you should show your willingness to start before you learn skills or get money or friends. founder knows result of signs-how to collect what you need when you start up a business will be helpful.
You may be afraid of starting something while you don’t have enough skills and stuff. You don’t know if it actually works out and this is why you cannot take action right away.
But once you overcome this fear, everything is going to be alright.
For your information, the things I just talked about is for who already has idea to create. If you don’t have any idea of what you want to create, things will be a bit different. If you don’t know anything about IT or computer or web, you can just start learning about them.
It is also “simply to start.”